Under Philadelphi Road has embarked on its journey through the maze of the publishing world. The hard part starts now. The waiting. And believe me, if the cliché or proverb (or whatever you want to call it) ‘patience is a virtue’, has ever been more relevant, it is here and now. Literary agents, bless their souls, are extremely busy people. They read most of the manuscripts that land on their tables at night after work and on weekends. In addition, they have their own current author clients to deal with on a daily basis and other administrative tasks. So, waiting for a response can take months. Frustrating, but totally understandable. And, of course, when the response does finally arrive it can either be yay or nay (obviously). Oh yes, and some agents respond only on manuscripts that interest them.
They say the best way for a writer to remain sane in this type of situation is to keep on writing. In other words, not to wait but to forget the waiting and to put that energy into writing. Aptly, in my case, I have started my third novel of the paranormal genre. All three of my novels are each of a different genre. It’s how they have come out, born that way. I am writing the stories that are sitting in my soul and that need to be written. I 'm not going according to a strategy or a commercial plan i.e. sequels, a series of the same tale. I just write what my soul calls on me to write and this is also, coincidentally, how I bide my time creatively as I try not to think what ‘they’ are thinking…
New Release Spotlight: Kathy Escobar
3 days ago
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